Freelance work

Hobart Embroiderer's Guild semi-responsive website displayed on three devices: a laptop, a tablet and a mobile phone.

Between 2004 and 2017 I worked on a number of freelance projects. They were all built in content management systems, being Squiz Matrix, WordPress and ProcessWire.

Brian Claridge Accounting Pty Ltd

I was asked to design and implement a simple single-page web presence for this accounting business. Only basic contact and company information were desired. The site was built in ProcessWire in 2017. It is fully responsive.

Brian Claridge Accounting website displayed on three devices: a laptop, a tablet and a mobile phone.

Recently I have trained new staff and made a few minor changes to the template due to Brian's retirement.

Technologies used

HTML5, CSS, PHP, ProcessWire CMS, Modernizr feature detection, Photoshop and cPanel.

Hobart Embroiderer's Guild

In 2012 I was a member of the Hobart Embroiderer's Guild. I felt their website would benefit from a refresh and some more dynamic content such as news, upcoming events and workshops. I designed and developed it in a voluntary capacity.

Hobart Embroiderer's Guild semi-responsive website displayed on three devices: a laptop, a tablet and a mobile phone.

The website was initially built in Squiz Matrix but once I became familiar with ProcessWire I thought it would be a better option, due to its beautifully simple editing interface. I moved it into ProcessWire in 2016.

It was not specifically designed as a responsive website, but it does naturally adapt quite well. An updated fully responsive version is on my to-do list.

Technologies used

HTML5, CSS, PHP, jQuery, ProcessWire CMS, Fancybox lightbox library, Modernizr feature detection, Photshop and cPanel.

Dean Chatwin, artist porfolio

My husband Dean is an artist. I designed and built this website for showcasing his work in 2013. Initially it was built in Squiz Matrix and I moved the site into ProcessWire in 2015. He has found the website much easier to maintain since the move.

Dean Chatwin, artist portfolio semi-responsive website displayed on three devices: a laptop, a tablet and a mobile phone.

It was not specifically designed to be responsive, but the use of Flexbox in some places has enabled it to adapt quite well. It is due for a refresh, however, so when I am able to undertake that work I will make it fully responsive.

Technologies used

HTML5, CSS, PHP, ProcessWire CMS, Fancybox lightbox library, Google Analytics and cPanel.

Missionary Sisters of Service

In 2010 I approached the Missionary Sisters of Service with a proposal to update their website. I had designed their original website in 2004 using raw HTML and CSS, and as a result I had remained responsible for any required editing. I gave the website a fresh new look (based around the masthead graphic provided by Chris Hanger) and completely rebuilt it in WordPress. I then provided training to their nominated editor.

The Missionary Sisters of Service and John Wallis Foundation home page designs.

I was also hired to build a matching website for the new John Wallis Foundation, which launched in 2011.

The Missionary Sisters of Service website has since been redesigned and it appears the John Wallis Foundation site has been decommissioned.

Technologies used

HTML, CSS, PHP, WordPress, Photoshop and cPanel.